キャリア採用エントリー Application Form - Experienced Recruiting  
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インターナル・オーディット Internal Audit
【インターナル・オーディット部】内部監査人(アセットマネジメント担当)/ Business Auditor (Asset Management)
Senior Associate / Vice President
Job Description
Internal Audit Overview:

As a trusted business advisor and the third line, Nomura Group Internal Audit (IA) provides assurance on the control environment based on a risk-based audit methodology and industry leading tools. In addition, IA benchmarks controls to the leading standards, and encourage our partners to enhance their control environment. This hiring position is for internal audit at Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd. within Nomura Group.
・主として日本国内のビジネスに対する監査業務の遂行。野村アセットマネジメント 東京本社の監査プロジェクトが主体となるが、他の分野の監査へ参加する機会・可能性もある。

・Business audit mainly for Nomura Asset Management Head Office in Tokyo. Potentially be appointed to the audits for other business areas.
・Specifically, performs the audits either as audit lead or audit staff in accordance with Nomura Group Internal Audit Methodology, including:
1)Planning of audit scope, analyzing business process and flows, identifying key risks and controls, preparing audit plans
2)Conducting audit testing
3)Drafting audit reports, discussing audit issues with the auditees
・Responsible for project management, including monitoring of the audit project milestones and the budget.
・Smoothly communicate with the audit team members and the auditees. Effectively report to the audit team managers, including timely update on the findings and potential issues.
・Perform the validation works for the issues remediated by auditees. (Issue Follow-up)
・Continuous monitoring of risk and controls for the audit areas and perform risk assessments.
・Manage relationships with key stakeholders in business and control functions.
・Maintain awareness of regulatory and industry wide developments, and proactively share the knowledge within the audit team.
・Contribute to IA’s initiatives to promote digitalization and improve audit efficiencies such as Data Analytics and use of IT tools.
  • 大手四大監査法人または内部監査部門での大手金融機関に関する監査業務において通算5年以上の業務経験
  • 金融機関における監査業務経験
  • 日本語(母国語レベル)のドキュメンテーション力およびコミュニケーション力
  • 論理的思考力と分析力・洞察力、文章表現力。常に質の高い成果物を作成し、複数のタスクを並行して実行できる能力と実績
  • 高い協調性、卓越したコミュニケーション能力と関係構築スキル
  • 知的好奇心が旺盛で自発的に物事に熱意をもって取組むプロフェッショナリズム
  • 金融機関が求める高い倫理基準に則ってインターナル・オーディットのビジョンおよび戦略を遂行できるIntegrity(誠実、正義感、真摯さ)の高い人材
  • At least five years of experience in total for external audit (at big 4 firms) or internal audit with sufficient skill sets to execute audits in major financial institutions.
  • Experience in internal / external audit relating to financial institutions.
  • Native level Japanese communication skills.
  • Logical thinking, Analysis, Insight and Good written expression. Ability and experience to produce high quality deliverables consistently and perform multiple tasks in parallel
  • Good team player with excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • With full of intellectual curiosity, a self-starter and work with enthusiasm as a professional internal auditor.
  • High integrity person who is able to execute internal audit visions and strategies in accordance with high ethical standards required by financial institutions.
  • 資産運用業におけるビジネスまたは監査業務経験
  • CPA(公認会計士)、CIA(公認内部監査人)、CFA(協会認定証券アナリスト)などの資格
  • 過去にプロジェクトのリーダーを経験した等のプロジェクト及びチーム・マネジメントスキル
  • 監査活動におけるデータ分析やその他のデジタル化技法における専門知識や経験
  • Business or audit experiences in asset management industry.
  • Qualifications such as CPA, CIA, CFA.
  • Project and team management skills, having the experiences as a project leader in the past
  • Expertise in data analytics or other digitalization techniques in audit activities.

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