IT: Project Manager / Business Analyst
債券フロントオフィス向けWebアプリ プロジェクトマネージャー兼ビジネスアナリスト / Project Manager and Business Analyst for Web Applications in the Fixed Income Front Office
Associate / Senior Associate / Vice President
職務内容 Job Description
1)Job/Group Overview:
私たちは業界のリーディングカンパニーとして国内の金融機関の中で圧倒的なグローバルプレゼンスをつ野村グループで、ビジネスをテクノロジーの力で変革するエンジニアチームです。Japan Business Serviceグループは、野村証券の国内部署やグループ会社向けアプリケーションをアジャイル手法で開発するコーポレートITに所属しており、最先端のテクノロジーを駆使しながら、Made in Japanの品質でスピード感のあるアジャイル開発を行っており、ビジネスと一体となったDXの推進に貢献することが期待されています。エンジニアは、担当や役割を固定することなく様々な内製開発やプロジェクトに携わっています。チーム内のコミュニケーションは主に日本語ですが、多国籍なメンバーで構成されており、英語を使う場面もあります。
We are the engineering team in Nomura Group, a leading company in the industry having a strong global presence among Japanese financial institutions. Our Japan Business Service Group belongs to Corporate IT, which develops applications for domestic departments and group companies of Nomura Securities using Agile methodology. Our mission is to contribute to the promotion of DX in cooperation with Business users, with agile development of "Made in Japan" quality utilizing the latest technology. Engineers are flexibly involved with a wide variety of in-house development and projects. Communication within the team is in Japanese and sometimes in English as it is made up of multinational members.
Our team collaborates with the fixed income business in Tokyo, utilizing Agile development methodologies to drive the digital transformation of fixed income related businesses across multiple departments within Nomura Securities.
Nomura Securities' business is broadly divided into wholesale and retail. Our team transcends these divisions to provide various in-house systems, including bond e-trading systems, to both internal and external users. This effort has resulted in a significant increase in business capacity and enhancement of customer user experience, consistently delivering value to the business.
Currently, to support the expansion of Nomura Group's business, we are recruiting team members who will primarily focus on business analysis and project management to execute a variety of projects in collaboration with the business divisions.
We particularly value candidates with a strong interest in business, a good sense of application design, and high future potential. We offer various learning opportunities and an environment conducive to growth, welcoming those who mainly have experience as development team members but lack project management experience. |
チームが主に使用する技術やツール: Angular, TypeScript, Spring Boot, Java, MS SQL, C#, Linux (RHEL), Windows Server, JIRA, Confluence, GitLab, Jenkins, Ansible, Podman, Power BI, Grafana, Kibana, Elastic Search
You will be involved in application development projects for the fixed income front business.
・Requirement analysis through close communication with the fixed income business division in Japanese
・Planning and management of various projects, both large and small
・Creating specifications and conducting tests for application development
・Coordination of development activities with development team members and vendors
・Coordination within and across departments in both Japanese and English
・Management and development of both internal employees and external members
・Reporting to management and other departments in both Japanese and English
・Production system support and user support in a DevOps style
・Agile development of applications (if desired)
・Creating and executing application release procedures (if desired)
Technologies and tools primarily used by the team: Angular, TypeScript, Spring Boot, Java, MS SQL, C#, Linux (RHEL), Windows Server, JIRA, Confluence, GitLab, Jenkins, Ansible, Podman, Power BI, Grafana, Kibana, Elastic Search |
登録資格 Requirements
Requirements: |
必須要件 / Requirements: |
- アプリケーション開発プロジェクトにおける業務分析および設計、テストの経験
- ユーザー部門との高いコミュニケーション能力
- 証券ビジネスに対する強い興味
- ネイティブまたはネイティブに準ずるレベルの日本語能力
- 学び続ける意欲
- Experience in business analysis, design and testing in application development projects
- Strong communication skills with users
- High interest in the securities business
- Native or near-native level Japanese proficiency
- Desire to continue learning
歓迎要件 / Preferred: |
- 5年以上の証券業界での経験、特に債券業務の経験
- プロジェクトマネジメントの経験
- ビジネスレベル以上の英語能力
- アプリケーション実装(プログラミング)の経験
- アプリケーション本番運用の経験
- Over 5 years of experience in the securities industry, particularly in the fixed income business
- Experience in project management
- Business-level or higher English proficiency
- Experience in application implementation (programming)
- Experience in production service operation of applications
勤務地 Location
大手町(リモートワーク(所定労働日数の8割まで)・フレックスタイムあり ※規定あり)