キャリア採用エントリー Application Form - Experienced Recruiting  
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インターナル・オーディット Internal Audit
【インターナル・オーディット部】ビジネス・コーポレート内部監査リーダー / Business・Corporate Audit Leader
Vice President / Executive Director
Job Description
当社の IAには世界主要拠点に200名を超えるスタッフがおり、そのうち本社である東京には約60名が在籍、本社ではより多岐で複雑なビジネス部門やコーポレート機能への監査に取り組む事ができます。

Internal Audit Overview:
As a trusted business advisor and the third line, Internal Audit provides assurance on the control environment globally through a risk-based audit methodology and industry leading tools under a global Internal Audit organizational structure.
The Internal Audit group has over 200 staff located in major cities around the world and has approximately 60 auditors in Tokyo HQ, where internal audit opportunities of more diversified and complex business divisions or corporate functions exist.
  • 野村ホールディングス及び野村證券における日本国内またはグローバルなビジネスおよびコーポレート・ファンクションにおける監査において、監査計画・フィールドワーク(往査)・報告までの全般的な業務遂行。具体的には、フローチャートの作成、業務プロセスやフローの分析、主要なリスク・統制の見極め、監査テストの執行、英語での監査調書の作成などを当社の監査メソドロジーに則り実施。
  • 主な監査対象領域は、証券業務の他、野村グループ内におけるビジネス全般の他、それを支えるコーポレート・ファンクションとなる。
  • 監査で提起された課題への改善対応の検証、継続モニタリングの実施。
  • 個別監査プロジェクトにおいて、監査リーダーを務め、監査プロジェクトの進捗やリソースの管理の他、監査スタッフの成果物のレビュー等の品質管理を担う。また、監査結果について、被監査部署との確認や合意形成を担う。
  • Participate in regional/global corporate function audits at Nomura Holdings, Inc. and Nomura Securities Co., Ltd., i.e. in planning, field work and reporting phases. This includes preparing flowcharts, analyzing process flows, identifying key risks and controls, executing audit testing, and writing workpapers in English under Nomura IA methodology.
  • Main areas of audits in securities business, as well as the overall business within the Nomura Group and the corporate functions.
  • Perform issue verification and continuous monitoring.
  • Perform managing the progress and resources of the audit projects and overseeing quality control through the review of audit staff's deliverables as the audit leader. Additionally, being responsible for informing audit results and building consensus with the auditees.

・At least five years total of audit experience at a big 4 auditing firms or at a major financial institution’s internal audit section.
・Experience in securities operations
・Leadership/managerial experience, with at least one of the following:
 1)Experience leading individual audits as an Audit Leader in auditing projects.
 2)Experience as a Manager overseeing securities operations.
・Experience in taking charge of the audits projects as a lead auditor.
・Native Japanese (or English) with strong, business level English (or Japanese) communication skills including writing, reading, and speaking.
・High integrity person who is able to execute internal audit visions and strategies in accordance with high ethical standards required by financial institutions.
・Qualifications such as CPA, CIA and CMA would be a plus.

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