キャリア採用エントリー Application Form - Experienced Recruiting  
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インターナル・オーディット Internal Audit
【インターナル・オーディット部】データアナリティクス スペシャリスト
Associate / Senior Associate
Job Description
当社の IAには世界主要拠点に200名を超えるスタッフがおり、そのうち本社である東京には約60名が在籍、本社ではより多岐で複雑なビジネス部門やコーポレート機能への監査に取り組む事ができます。

Internal Audit Overview:
As a trusted business advisor and the third line, Internal Audit provides assurance on the control environment globally through a risk-based audit methodology and industry leading tools under a global Internal Audit organizational structure.
The Internal Audit group has over 200 staff located in major cities around the world and has approximately 60 auditors in Tokyo HQ, where internal audit opportunities of more diversified and complex business divisions or corporate functions exist.



This role contributes to enhancing the value of audits and strengthening risk management and internal controls through data utilization.

Support for Data Analytics in Audits:
We execute projects in accordance with our internal audit standards. We support internal audit activities, risk assessments, audit execution, and follow-ups in Japan. We collaborate with the audited departments and the IT department to collect data necessary for supporting audits. Additionally, we understand data structures and develop programs for data extraction and processing related to audits.

Promotion of Data Analytics:
We conduct regular training for auditors, support continuous learning, and participate in brainstorming sessions to promote the use of data analytics.
  • Excel、Python、SQL言語の実務経験(全てあれば尚可):最低3〜5年
  • データ分析(データサイエンスおよび生成AI)、データの可視化(Power BI, Qlik, Tableau)に関する専門知識および実務経験
  • 日本語および英語での高いドキュメンテーションスキル 、及びビジネスレベルの口頭コミュニケーション能力
  • 論理的思考力、分析力、洞察力、文章表現力を持ち、常に質の高い成果物を作成できる能力
  • 高い協調性、卓越したコミュニケーション能力、関係構築スキル
  • 知的好奇心が旺盛で、自発的に物事に熱意を持って取り組むプロフェッショナリズム
  • 当社の求める高い倫理基準に則り、インターナル・オーディットのビジョンおよび戦略を遂行できる高いIntegrity(誠実、正義感、真摯さ)
  • Practical experience with Excel, Python, and SQL languages (preferably all): Minimum 3-5 years.
  • Expertise and practical experience in data analysis (knowledge or experience in data science and generative AI) and data visualization (Power BI, Qlik, Tableau).
  • Native Japanese (or English) with strong, business level English (or Japanese) communication skills including writing, reading, and speaking.
  • Ability to produce consistently high-quality deliverables with logical thinking, analytical skills, insight, and writing skills.
  • High level of cooperation, excellent communication skills, and relationship-building skills.
  • Intellectual curiosity and professionalism with a proactive and enthusiastic approach to tasks.
  • High integrity person who can execute internal audit visions and strategies in accordance with high ethical standards required by financial institutions.

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