データ戦略部 Chief Data Office
【Chief Data Office】AI Governance Specialist
Associate / Senior Associate
職務内容 Job Description
Job Overview:
As AI technology rapidly evolves, Nomura Group is promoting the business application of AI on an enterprise-wide scale. In parallel, Nomura Group has introduced an AI governance framework that covers end-to-end AI lifecycle and established an AI governance structure. This initiative aims to create an environment that ensures ethical and responsible development, implementation, and use of AI.
Chief Data Office is responsible for AI governance across the Nomura Group and leading AI governance efforts at a global level. As relevant laws and regulations are continuously developed, it is essential to monitor regulatory trends not only in Japan but also overseas and update the framework as necessary. Chief Data Office collaborates with stakeholders from various backgrounds and areas of expertise at a global level, working collectively on AI governance initiatives as a unified group.
Currently Chief Data Office is implementing AI governance framework and chairing the governance forum. We are seeking experienced professionals who can contribute to these efforts.
我々が提供する機会: |
- 野村グループにおける部門横断的な様々な新規AIプロジェクトに関与し、最新のAI活用ユースケースに関する知見やAIリスクマネジメント手法を学習し成長できる機会。
- 高度な調整力を用いて経営層に近い立ち位置からAIガバナンス関連の会議体を運営し、関連会社等も含む当社グループ全体にダイナミックにインパクトを与えるガバナンスプロセスに参画・貢献出来る機会。
- 金融ドメイン知識について経験豊富な金融のプロフェッショナルと学びながら、AIや新しいテクノロジーにより金融業界を推進・革新する過程に参画出来る機会。
- AIに関連するリスクマネジメントに知見のある様々なバックグラウンドの多様な専門チームと、協力的な環境にて相互に学習しながら成長出来る機会。
- 国際的にビジネスを展開している企業のグローバル本社にて、データ戦略部の海外のチームメンバーとも協業しながら国際的な環境にて業務を推進する経験。
- Involvement in diverse cross-functional new AI projects at the Nomura Group, providing opportunities to gain insights into the latest AI use cases and learn about AI risk management techniques for personal growth.
- Opportunities to manage AI governance-related meetings from a position close to senior management by leveraging advanced coordination skills and participate in governance processes that create a dynamic impact across the entire Nomura Group, including its affiliated entities.
- Active participation in the innovation of the financial industry through AI and new technologies, learning from experienced financial professionals with expertise in financial domain.
- Collaborative learning and growth environment with a diverse team of specialists from various backgrounds who are knowledgeable in AI-related risk management.
- Experience working in an international environment at a global headquarter of a company that operates internationally, collaborating with overseas team members from Chief Data Office.
職務内容: |
- 経営層や主要なステークホルダーが参加するAIガバナンス関連会議体(AI Governance Forum)の運営を行います。
- 当社グループにおけるグローバルのAIガバナンスフレームワークの整備と導入を行います。また、AI関連の規制動向や技術動向を収集・把握し知見を提供すると共に、リスクに適切に対処すべくAIガバナンスフレームワークを更新します。
- 当社グループにおけるAI関連プロジェクトに対して、AIリスクの観点から評価・監督を行います。情報システム・情報セキュリティ・法務・知的財産・リスクマネジメントといった専門分野の関係者と協働し、導入するAI技術に対して適切なリスク管理を行います。
- AIガバナンス高度化を実現するITソリューションの検討・構築に関する企画を行います。
- 内部/外部の利害関係者にAIガバナンスの重要性を啓蒙し、AI利活用を向上させるための研修・プレゼンテーションなどを実施します。
- Manage AI governance-related meetings (AI Governance Forum) that senior management and key stakeholders participate in.
- Develop and implement a global AI governance framework for the Nomura Group. Collect and analyze trends in AI-related regulations and technology to provide insights and update the AI governance framework to address risks appropriately.
- Evaluate and oversee AI-related projects within the Nomura Group from the perspective of AI risk, collaborating with specialists in areas such as, but not limited to information systems, information security, legal affairs, intellectual property, and risk management to ensure appropriate risk management of AI technology implementation.
- Plan and develop initiatives related to the examination and implementation of IT solutions that enhance AI governance.
- Educate internal and external stakeholders on the importance of AI governance, conducting training and presentations to enhance the utilization of AI.
登録資格 Requirements
Requirements: |
<Mandatory> Hard Skills |
- 金融機関、IT企業、コンサルティングファームなどにおける3-7年程度のAI関連の開発経験、またはガバナンスやリスクマジメントの経験。
- AI関連技術、情報システム、情報セキュリティに関する十分な知識。
- 組織の内部統制やリスクマネジメントに関する基礎知識。
- ネイティブまたは日本語能力試験N1程度の日本語力。
- TOEIC800点以上のビジネスレベルの英語力。
- 3 to 7 years of experience in AI-related development, governance, or risk management in financial institutions, IT companies, or consulting firms.
- Sufficient knowledge of AI-related technologies, information systems, and information security.
- Fundamental knowledge of internal controls and risk management within organizations.
- Native-level Japanese proficiency or equivalent to Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1.
- Business-level English proficiency with TOEIC score of 800 or higher.
<Mandatory> Soft Skills |
- 成熟した口頭・書面によるコミュニケーションスキルがあり、複雑な情報を多様なビジネスステークホルダーに伝える能力。
- 曖昧で複雑なビジネス課題を体系的に整理・分析し、行動可能な解決策を提示出来る問題解決能力。
- チームメンバーや関係者と信頼関係を構築し、協働しながら案件を遂行できる能力。
- 担当業務の完了期限を見据えた自律的な進捗管理能力。
- AIや新しいテクノロジーによって金融ビジネスを推進・革新する強いモチベーション。
- Advanced verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to convey complex information to diverse business stakeholders.
- Problem-solving skills to systematically analyse ambiguous and complex business challenges and propose actionable solutions.
- Ability to build trust and collaborate effectively with team members and stakeholders to execute projects.
- Self-directed progress management skills with a focus on deadlines for assigned tasks.
- Strong motivation to drive and innovate financial business through AI and new technologies.
<Preferred> |
- コンピューターサイエンス、情報システム、経営管理、または関連分野等の学士号または修士号。
- ChatGPT等のLLMを用いたアプリ・ツール開発などの知識経験。
- 機械学習を用いたシステム企画・開発経験。G検定などの機械学習関連資格。
- AIガバナンスやそれに関連する法規制やガイドラインなどについての基礎知識。
- AWSサービスの導入・活用実績。AWS Solutions Architect AssociateなどのAWS認定。
- PMPまたはアジャイル認定資格などのプロジェクトマネジメント関連資格。
- ビジネス全体にわたる様々なシニアマネジメントとの調整・コミュニケーション能力。
- Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business Administration, or a related field.
- Knowledge and experience in application and tool development using LLMs such as ChatGPT.
- Experience in system planning and development using machine learning, coupled with machine learning related certifications such as the JDLA Deep Learning for GENERAL.
- Fundamental knowledge of AI governance, as well as related regulations and guidelines.
- Proven experience in implementing and utilizing AWS services, including AWS certifications such as AWS Solutions Architect Associate.
- Project management certifications such as PMP or Agile certifications.
- Strong coordination and communication skills with various senior management across the business.
勤務地 Location